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  • Date: 14/06/2024

Honeycomb Group launch Euros campaign to highlight 38% increase in domestic abuse during football tournaments

This Euros season, we've launched a campaign to highlight the increase in abuse cases during football tournaments.

Data from the National Centre for Domestic Violence shows that domestic abuse increases by 26% on match days. Further research from London School of Economics and Political Science shows that if a game is lost, this rises to 38%. When alcohol is involved, domestic abuse cases nearly double and rise to 47%.

Our domestic abuse specialist Glow, which delivers a service for perpetrators in Derbyshire, has launched the campaign to target those responsible for abuse and say #DontBringItHome.

Glow is sharing the message across social media, alongside handing out free stickers to local pubs and bars across the county. This will direct individuals towards Glow’s 180° Project, which works with perpetrators of abuse, supporting them to understand and take responsibility their behaviour.

In the last two years, Glow has supported over 150 high-risk perpetrators of domestic abuse to change their behaviour. This vital work has subsequently transformed the lives of over 170 partners and ex-partners, and over 350 children.

The Euros campaign will also highlight available support for those impacted by domestic abuse, by raising awareness of services across Glow’s operating areas - Derbyshire and Staffordshire.

Team Leader Clare Vickers heads up Glow’s 180° Project and has shared more about the campaign:

"Sadly we can’t ignore the national data. Whether England win, lose or draw, domestic abuse cases increase. That’s why we’re choosing to highlight these facts during this year’s World Cup and target those responsible for it directly.

"Football tournaments are full of heightened emotions - not always positive. Arguments over a penalty, anger over a ref decision or simply excessive consumption of alcohol can provide people, sadly, with an excuse to hurt their loved ones.

"We all want England to be successful this year, but we don’t want to see the rise in domestic abuse cases continue. That’s why we’re urging anyone who has concerns about their behaviour to get in touch with us and refer themselves into our Derbyshire 180° Project.

"It’s a service that provides people, who are ready to take accountability and responsibility for their actions, with the tools and support to change."

To refer into, or find out more about, Glow’s 180° Project, please email or call 07974 608015

If you are impacted by domestic abuse, during or outside of the Euros, call the National Domestic Abuse helpline on 0808 2000 247