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  • Date: 25/09/2024

Honeycomb Group colleague takes on 'mad' challenge to walk a quarter of a million steps in one week

Our Business Development Business Partner, and keen walker, Esther Bromley, is embarking on a project which will see her take 250,000 steps in just seven days.

Esther will be getting her steps in to raise funds for our young person’s service, delivered by our homelessness specialist Concrete. The service provides support and accommodation to over 30 young adults, aged between 17 and 25, who have been through difficult times and faced homelessness. 

Esther Bromley

Esther works in our Business Development team and sees first-hand the positive impact of fundraising and charitable support. Money raised will support our young people to enjoy some of the things that we take for granted, such as trips to the cinema, meals out and Christmas presents.

She’ll kickstart her challenge on 27 September and take on the city’s famous Potter’s ‘Arf two days later. Esther explained more: “It’s a massive challenge, even for a really keen walker like me! It’ll work out to around 35,000 steps and 16 miles - I walk roughly 2,200 steps a mile – per day.

“Supporting young people has always been a passion of mine, so I had no hesitation in choosing the young person’s service for this mad challenge. This group of people have been through so much in their short lives and the team that works with them is working so hard to support them, often with little funds.

“The service goes beyond simply providing a roof over their heads. It empowers young people, teaching them crucial life skills such as managing finances and budgeting, finding work and development opportunities and learning how to cook and manage a home of their own.”

Esther hopes to raise enough money to support the service with all of those things that we take for granted.

She continued: “It’s the little things that we don’t even think twice about – a trip to the cinema, cooking and eating together, a gift under the Christmas tree – but so many of the young people have never experienced them.

“So when I’m tired, or just want to continue snoozing instead of getting up at silly o’clock to walk 10 miles before work, I’m going to remember that every step and every penny will make a huge difference.”

Click here to support Esther’s fundraising via Go Fund Me.