• Via email

    Please send an email to Strategic Lead: Communications, Laura Weston, below.

  • Via telephone

    For an immediate response, please call Strategic Lead: Communications, Laura Weston, on 07791 590 577.

  • Online form

    The easiest way to make a complaint is by completing our online form below.

    Make a complaint here
  • By telephone

    You can also make a complaint via telephone. Please call 0330 094 8878.

  • Our process

    Find out more about our complaints process

    View our complaints process here
  • Home improvements

    Want to make an improvement to your home? Need to make a change to make sure your home meets your needs? Get in touch to discuss how we can help.

    Make a home improvement request
  • ASB

    Refresh your memory on ASB and get in touch if you think you're experiencing it. 

    Report ASB
  • Reporting a repair

    Need a repair in your home? Get in touch to let us know.

    Report a repair
  • Find out more about compliance

    Want to learn more about compliance? Get in touch with our Property Team to discuss damp and mould, asbestos, gas safety, fire safety, water safety, electrical safety, lift safety and more.

    Speak to our Property Team
  • Pets

    Please get in touch if you'd like to have a pet live with you.

    Talk to us about having a pet
  • Right to Buy and Right to Acquire

    Depending on your circumstances, you might be able to buy your Staffs Housing home at a discount either through the Right to Buy, or Right to Acquire scheme.

    Find out more and apply.
  • Interested in a mutual exchange?

    If you'd like to move home, one of the easiest options is a mutual exchange. It's where two people living in an affordable rented home owned by a housing association or council swap with one another.

    Apply for a mutual exchange
  • I want to buy a home

    We're proud to offer shared ownership. This means that instead of purchasing 100% of a property up-front, you purchase a smaller share (usually 50% but it can be more or less) and pay a reduced rent on the rest.

    Interested in shared ownership? Click here
  • Homes for over 50s

    Learn more about our over 50s homes and apply to live in one.

    Over 50s homes
  • I want to rent a home

    We provide quality affordable homes to rent for both individuals and families throughout Staffordshire and the surrounding areas.

    Click here to rent a home
  • Hospital discharge referral

    I'm a patient in hospital
    If you're a patient you'll need to access this service directly through the integrated discharge service based at Royal Stoke University Hospital.

    I'm a hospital worker
    If you're a hospital worker and would like to make a referral please contact us below.

    Get in touch
  • Safe and Well Check referral

    Complete the referral form below.

    Refer here
  • Wellbeing Support Service referral

    To access this service please contact Adult Social Care by calling 0800 561 0015 or emailing social.care@stoke.gov.uk

    Have a question? Get in touch

    SPHERE is our support service for psychoactive substance users in Stoke-on-Trent. All referrals are currently being made through Stoke-on-Trent Community Drug & Alcohol Service (CDAS).

    Email the SPHERE team
  • LGBTQ+ support

    Phoenix is our housing and support service for people facing gender and sexuality struggles alongside homelessness. You can get in touch with our support and advice line every Monday and Friday from 12pm - 4pm by calling 07386034137.

    Email the Phoenix team
  • Young person's service

    Our young person's service (YPS) provides accommodation and support for young people between the ages of 18–25 who are care leavers, at risk of homelessness or unaccompanied asylum-seeking children.

    Make a referral to the YPS
  • Support for men

    Our male scheme is a specialist home for 14 local men, fully adapted to include those with disabilities.

    Make a referral to our male scheme
  • Support for women

    Our female scheme is a safe and secure home, specifically designed for women experiencing homelessness and other complex needs such as domestic abuse.

    Make a referral to our female scheme
  • Floating support

    We deliver specialist floating support to people who have experienced homelessness and other complex needs, helping them regain independence and move on to a new chapter.

    Make a referral for floating support
  • Tenancy sustainment

    We deliver specialist floating support to people who have experienced homelessness and other complex needs, helping them regain independence and move on to a new chapter.

    Got a question about tenancy sustainment?
  • I'm from Stoke-on-Trent City Council

    If you're a professional from Stoke-on-Trent City Council and need to make a referral to Concrete, get in touch via our tailored referral form below.

    Make an SOTCC referral
  • Support for young people

    If you're a teacher or parent and need our help supporting a child or young person who has experienced or witnessed abuse, we can help.

    Contact our young person's team
  • Support if you're hurting someone you love

    We provide specialist support through our 180 Project if you are concerned about how you're treating a loved one.

    Refer yourself to the 180 Project
  • Recovery support

    Our Recovery Hub helps you to rebuild your life after abuse, with group programmes, wellbeing activities and volunteering opportunities.

    Get in touch with our Recovery Hub
  • Independent Domestic Violence Advisors

    Our Independent Domestic Violence Advisors (IDVA) can support you if you're experiencing domestic abuse in Derbyshire County or Derby City

    Refer into our IDVA service
  • Housing advocacy

    We provide a housing advocacy service for those at risk of homelessness or are homeless as a result of domestic abuse within Newcastle-under-Lyme, Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire Moorlands.

    Contact our Housing Advocate
  • Safe accommodation

    We can provide safe accommodation if you're fleeing an abusive relationship.

    Refer into safe accommodation
  • Via email

    If you have a media enquiry for Honeycomb Group, Staffs Housing, Revival, Glow or Concrete, please send an email to Strategic Lead: Communications, Laura Weston, below.

  • Via telephone

    For an immediate response, please call Strategic Lead: Communications, Laura Weston, on 07791 590 577.

Please share why you'd like to get in touch.

Choose the best contact us option for you.